When you have serveral installed Modules and SnapIns, you may have different Modules installed in different locations. This is a simple way to determine where a Module or SnapIn is installed.
Where’s that Snapin?
You can find the install location of a PowerShell SnapIn by getting all the properties of the Snapin.
Get-PSSnapin Citrix.Broker.Admin.V2 | select -Property *
Name : Citrix.Broker.Admin.V2
IsDefault : False
ApplicationBase : C:\Program Files\Citrix\Broker\Snapin\v2\
AssemblyName : BrokerSnapin, Version=7.15.3000.347, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a80ce61cfbf8b47a
ModuleName : C:\Program Files\Citrix\Broker\Snapin\v2\\BrokerSnapin.dll
PSVersion : 2.0
Version : 7.15.3000.347
Types : {}
Formats : {}
Description : This PowerShell snap-in contains cmdlets used to manage the Citrix Broker.
Vendor : Citrix Systems, Inc.
LogPipelineExecutionDetails : False
The ApplicationBase is the working directory and the ModuleName points to the actual Module (in this case a dll).
Where’s that Module?
Similarly, you grab all the properties of module to find the location:
get-module activedirectory | select -Property *
LogPipelineExecutionDetails : False
Name : activedirectory
Path : C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\activedirectory\activedirectory
ImplementingAssembly :
Definition :
Description :
Guid : 43c15630-959c-49e4-a977-758c5cc93408
HelpInfoUri :
ModuleBase : C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\activedirectory
PrivateData :
Tags : {}
ProjectUri :
IconUri :
LicenseUri :
ReleaseNotes :
RepositorySourceLocation :
Version :
ModuleType : Manifest
Author : Microsoft Corporation
AccessMode : ReadWrite
ClrVersion : 4.0
CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation
Copyright : © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
DotNetFrameworkVersion :
ExportedFunctions : {}
Prefix :
ExportedCmdlets : {[Add-ADCentralAccessPolicyMember, Add-ADCentralAccessPolicyMember],
[Add-ADComputerServiceAccount, Add-ADComputerServiceAccount],
ExportedCommands : {[Add-ADCentralAccessPolicyMember, Add-ADCentralAccessPolicyMember],
[Add-ADComputerServiceAccount, Add-ADComputerServiceAccount],
FileList : {}
CompatiblePSEditions : {}
ModuleList : {}
NestedModules : {Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management}
PowerShellHostName :
PowerShellHostVersion :
PowerShellVersion : 3.0
ProcessorArchitecture : None
Scripts : {}
RequiredAssemblies : {Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management}
RequiredModules : {}
RootModule :
ExportedVariables : {}
ExportedAliases : {}
ExportedWorkflows : {}
ExportedDscResources : {}
SessionState : System.Management.Automation.SessionState
OnRemove :
ExportedFormatFiles : {C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\activedirectory\ActiveDirector
ExportedTypeFiles : {C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\activedirectory\ActiveDirector
In this case ModuleBase is the working directory and the actual module is located in the Path.